Not inspired by nature
I like being outdoors as much as the next person, but when it comes to my jewelry, I’m gradually realizing that my inspiration comes from a much more urban source.
I feel like I’m supposed to be inspired by images of nature, like these:
Here are some photos I’ve snapped of things that catch my eye when I’m out and about. One of the things I notice are little bits and pieces left behind at the playground, when I’m there with the kids. When I see a barrette, or a pencil, or a scrap of ribbon, I wonder who left it? Did they notice it was gone? When did they notice?
I like how a little piece of a broken toy becomes totally unrecognizable. What is it? Where did it come from? Would I know if I were a kid?
If I were a writer of fiction, maybe I’d write a story about these bits and pieces, but since I’m a Maker of things, specifically metal things, I make things inspired by this urban detritus.
I also make jewelry that’s about every day bits of stuff. Like this necklace in sterling silver made from found objects:

(c) 2009 Elaine Luther All Rights Reserved
These are the things that make up my daily life as a mom of three — bread tabs and lost barrettes and parts of toys.
Here’s another one that caught my eye and made me wonder, what was the story?
Sure, it’s just a couch in the trash, but — think of the effort involved. And why? Why did they put it in the dumpster, instead of next to it? The way the couch is sticking straight up like that, it’s funny. See what I mean, urban detritus.
More on the subject of inspiration from the blog carnival crew:
Lora Hart
">Tamra Gentry
">Tonya Davidson
Angela B. Crispin
Lorrene Davis
Photo credits: top photo, Pylons, is from The Stock Exchange. All other photos snapped by me, at the conservatory, in the woods, at the park, and next to the dumpster.
6 comments Elaine | Art and Inspiration, My Jewelry/My Studio
Oh, Elaine, I absolutely love that mini-hanger necklace ! I wish I’d thought of it, but I probably wouldn’t have if I hadn’t seen yours
) such is life ! And that nail stuck between 2 block of concrete, just great !
Im more inspired by the first shot of yours than by nature (flowers and stuff) too.
Thanks for the post — I love seeing the things that have caught your eye!
I feel the same way. I love the outdoors, and a good walk or jog is always good to get my creative juices flowing. But it’s the rusted old bottlecaps and various nuts and bolts (undoubtedly from equally interesting rusting heaps of car) that catch my eye. I’m tempted to stop and pick everything up… not so I can be a good citizen or anything like that — but just because the things are so *interesting*.
Maybe it depends on the person’s style as to what inspires them – are they traditional or on the funky/fun side? Or maybe it depends on their mood at the moment of “impact”? Sometimes I see something from nature out of context and it inspires me. Other times the urban influence creeps in: I was at the Milwaukee Zoo the other day and was inpired by a rusted post collar I spied in the Primate House. My 11 year old son thought I’d lost it when I photographed the collar (I should’ve been photographing the animals, for heaven’s sake!!!)
I enjoyed this glimpse of artistic inspirations. Many of my mosaics are inspired by quilt patterns–I have a strong attraction to the abstract. Even when I’m inspired by flowers, I’m looking at overall pattern, color and value contrasts.
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