Hi, welcome to All Things Metal Clay, I’ll show you around. I’m Elaine Luther, jeweler, artist, teacher, speaker, and I’ve been blogging here since 2007. There are over 1000 posts now, so I’ve added this page to help you find what you’re looking for.
If you’re looking for advice or information on a specific topic, you can browse by category. Those are over on the left side, just click the name of the category to get all of the posts in that category.
A nice place to start is the not quite annual blog year in review posts.
Here are some of my greatest hits posts:
How Food Network Challenge Can Get You into More Shows
What Artists Can Learn from Phineas and Ferb
Drooling over those residency descriptions? Here’s a solution
Are You Making These Three Mistakes with your Business Cards?
And that’s probably enough to get you started! Welcome, and please enjoy the site. There’s lots to learn here!